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God Is Love

a blog for spiritual seekers (and those that love them)


God Is Love

a blog for spiritual seekers (and those that love them)



Written for those that identify as spiritual but not religious, or "none", a former agnostic seeks to answer: Why believe in God, why believe in Christianity, why believe in Catholicism, and why does it matter?

Sharing the truth in love, with head and heart, faith and reason.



A  brief bio on your humble correspondent


A  brief bio on your humble correspondent

Your author/guide is Mike Kelly, husband to his beautiful wife Peggy, father of four great kids, entrepreneur/business owner, sociology major, and lover of travel and culture, music, photography, running, hiking, great beer, weekends at the lake, volunteering, Detroit Tiger baseball and Indiana University basketball. An agnostic for 38 years, he seeks to be a bridge for those seeking faith and truth from the heart of love - the love we were designed by, and the love we all yearn for.

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Coming Soon

Coming Soon

The Necessary Knowledge

From Thomas A’Kempis

“Leave off that excessive desire of knowing; therein is found much distraction. There are many things the knowledge of which is of little or no profit to the soul.”

The accidental theology of frank sinatra

Do be do be do

How Frank Sinatra accidentally discovered the cycle of being and doing that we are wired for, and how both are essential for living out our mission of loving both ourselves and one another.


Downsize, scale back, simplify

There is great gain in godliness with contentment; for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world.
