Having a math leaning brain, I often reconcile issues numerically, and evaluate scenarios in terms of their probability.
I even reconciled the idea of God by reason and probability. In contemplating an immensely ordered, complex and interconnected world, there was no way that burst into being as a chemical accident. The odds were simply too great against it.
As I began to research the claims and history of various spriitualities, I found the veracity of Christianity to be not only the most holistic, but more importantly, true. There was enormous historical documentation that Jesus Christ did in fact live, teach and die. This wasn’t a myth or fable – this was a person, and one well documented in history.
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Look around.
We live in an intricately interconnected and complementary world, with remarkable complexity and startling beauty. Consider the small – the simplicity of a cell or an atom, and how they form the building blocks for all that we see and touch. Think about how cells form seeds, and how such a small package can unfurl into something as strong and majestic as a tree, or as delicate as a flower.
Think about the complexity of a human organ, like the eye, and how many of these improbably complicated organs are packaged together into the human person, performing like a symphony to support and sustain every human life.
Now consider the probability of this all happening by chance. Science has shown the odds are overwhelmingly against it – in fact, it is nearly impossible. It would be like thinking that the Mona Lisa was created by paint randomly falling onto a canvas, after the paint spontaneously burst into being.
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