Why did Jesus enter into the world?
The simple answer was to say, “I love you.” Jesus loves you right where you are, but he also loves you too much to leave you there. This great light appeared in the darkness to shower grace into our sinful nature, but only if we are willing to accept that grace.
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-two-i-love-you
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2020/1/14/i-love-you
Today, let’s imagine standing as a shepherd in the countryside of rural Judea 2000 years ago.
It’s pitch black, with only the occasional bleat of a sheep breaching the calm. Close your eyes and breathe in the smell of your flock, and the peace of the night.
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-two-shepherds-and-angels
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2020/1/14/shepherds-of-angels
“Give me a sign!”
Is there a person out there that hasn’t questioned God by asking for a sign to prove he exists and loves us?
Jesus even called us out in the Gospel of Saint John, saying,
“Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.”
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-two-seeking-signs
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2020/1/14/seeking-signs
That’s the description many scholars use for the Old Testament book of Isaiah. It is rich in foreshadowing the coming of Jesus, and a staple of the daily readings in the Advent season.
Today, listen to the excitement and urgency of this prophet. He can barely contain himself, comparing the coming of Jesus and the Kingdom of God to the vindication of the city of Jerusalem.
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-two-the-fifth-gospel
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2020/1/14/the-fifth-gospel
Do you ever think of Christmas as adoption day?
When God sent His son, Jesus Christ, into the world, He began the reconciliation of
humanity to Himself. This relationship had been severed by the original sin of Adam and
Eve in the Garden of Eden. Through the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus, we
were redeemed, making us adopted sons and daughters of God the Father.
Click for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-two-destined-for-adoption
Click for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2020/1/14/destined-for-adoption
Mary’s fiat, her “yes,” where she accepts the message that she is pregnant by the Holy Spirit with the child of God, Jesus Christ, is memorialized in the Gospel of Saint Luke.
Today, I’d like to propose that Joseph also had a fiat, when he honorably accepted the Mary’s pregnancy.
Click for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-two-josephs-honorable-fiat
Click for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2020/1/14/josephs-honorable-fiat
The season of Advent is a season of waiting. For kids, it’s the seemingly never-ending wait for acres of presents under the tree Christmas morning.
But it’s primarily about preparing our hearts, waiting for the breach between Heaven and Earth, where God took form in human flesh, to dwell among us in the person of Jesus Christ.
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-two-waiting
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2020/1/14/waiting
John the Baptist calls out the Pharisees and Sadducees for not bearing good fruit,
foreshadowing Jesus’s talk on the vine and branches. Both use trees and plants as
analogies for our works of faith. Both share the same dire warning for those that don’t
bear good fruit.
Click for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-two-bear-good-fruit
Click for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2020/1/14/bear-good-fruit
Jesus Christ carries many titles – King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Savior of the World. Another role prefigured in the Old Testament book of Isaiah was a unifier of nations – the Prince of Peace.
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government will be upon his shoulder, and his name will be called “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-two-prince-of-peace
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2020/1/14/prince-of-peace
Today, let’s pray from Isaiah 11, a passage rich in hope, prefiguring the coming of Jesus.
“There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.
And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. And his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord.
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-two-root-of-jesse
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2020/1/14/root-of-jesse
The Advent season reawakens us to a name originally introduced in Isaiah - Emmanuel, meaning, “God is with us.” The Creator of the world didn’t dispassionately spin the world into existence, step back, then wish us the best of luck. He so intimately knows and loves us that he chose to become one of us.
Listen to the Gospel of Matthew…
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-two-emmanuel
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2020/1/14/emmanuel