Why did Jesus enter into the world?
The simple answer was to say, “I love you.” Jesus loves you right where you are, but he also loves you too much to leave you there. This great light appeared in the darkness to shower grace into our sinful nature, but only if we are willing to accept that grace.
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-two-i-love-you
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2020/1/14/i-love-you
Most of us think of an epiphany as an enlightening revelation or discovery – an “aha moment.” In the Church, it means manifestation, as in the Christmas story of Jesus, where he became present to the Magi, and they recognize Him as the promised Messiah and Savior of the world.
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-two-epiphany
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2020/1/14/epiphany
“Give me a sign!”
Is there a person out there that hasn’t questioned God by asking for a sign to prove he exists and loves us?
Jesus even called us out in the Gospel of Saint John, saying,
“Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.”
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-two-seeking-signs
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2020/1/14/seeking-signs
That’s the description many scholars use for the Old Testament book of Isaiah. It is rich in foreshadowing the coming of Jesus, and a staple of the daily readings in the Advent season.
Today, listen to the excitement and urgency of this prophet. He can barely contain himself, comparing the coming of Jesus and the Kingdom of God to the vindication of the city of Jerusalem.
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-two-the-fifth-gospel
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2020/1/14/the-fifth-gospel
Today, let’s pray from Isaiah 11, a passage rich in hope, prefiguring the coming of Jesus.
“There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.
And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. And his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord.
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-two-root-of-jesse
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2020/1/14/root-of-jesse