Why did Jesus enter into the world?
The simple answer was to say, “I love you.” Jesus loves you right where you are, but he also loves you too much to leave you there. This great light appeared in the darkness to shower grace into our sinful nature, but only if we are willing to accept that grace.
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-two-i-love-you
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2020/1/14/i-love-you
Most of us think of an epiphany as an enlightening revelation or discovery – an “aha moment.” In the Church, it means manifestation, as in the Christmas story of Jesus, where he became present to the Magi, and they recognize Him as the promised Messiah and Savior of the world.
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-two-epiphany
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2020/1/14/epiphany
All people sin. But at the same time, you are not defined by your sin. That is secondary. Your primary identity is a beloved son or daughter of God, the creator of the universe and father of all. Accepting Jesus’s free gift of grace reconciles you from your sin.
So I want to caution you about calling yourself a sinner.
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-two-are-you-a-sinner
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2020/1/14/are-you-a-sinner
There are few more memorable opening lines in all of literature than the opening of the Gospel of Saint John.
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-two-in-the-beginning-john-1-1-17
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2020/1/14/in-the-beginning-john-1-1-17
There are multiple translations of the Bible, largely because the original texts were written in Hebrew and Greek. Some words carry added meaning that English can’t fully articulate.
One such word in Old Testament Hebrew is the word chesed, used in the prayer of Psalm 118.
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-2-divine-mercy
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2019/4/30/divine-mercy
As an agnostic, I questioned a lot. I believed there had to be a creator - the world seemed far too complex, with too many contingencies, to be an evolutionary accident. But it felt like this creator had spun the world into existence, threw up his hands, and wished us all best of luck in sorting life out. God seemed far off and unapproachable.
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-2-ask-seek-knock
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2019/4/30/ask-seek-knock
Today, I’d like you to impart a sense of urgency around both forgiveness and the sacrament of confession. Too often, we choose to dwell in unforgiveness and unforgiven sin. Jesus was clear about reconciling quickly in the Gospel of Matthew…
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-2-the-urgency-of-forgiveness
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2019/4/30/the-urgency-of-forgiveness
Why do Jesus and Saint Paul make such a big deal about those who followed the law versus those who professed faith? Because those following the law thought it was their works and actions earning them salvation instead of recognizing it as a free gift from God.
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-2-running-the-race
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2019/4/30/running-the-race
My son and I were filling out our March Madness brackets, and we looked up the odds of achieving a perfect bracket. A Duke math professor calculated the odds at 1 in 9 quintillion, which is 9 followed by 18 zeros. Would you believe that the odds of you existing are even more improbable?
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-2-you-are-improbable
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2019/4/30/you-are-improbable
There is a popular notion that most people go to heaven, yet Saint Matthew describes the path to heaven as a “narrow gate”, and that the road to destruction is wide.
And yet we know that God desires all to return to heaven.
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-2-heaven-or-hell-our-choice
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2019/4/30/heaven-or-hell-our-choice
It is better to give than receive. Do you remember where that is in the Bible? It’s a trick question – it’s actually a quote of Saint Francis of Assisi. But the concept is very much rooted in Scripture.
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-2-better-to-give-than-to-receive
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2019/4/30/better-to-give-than-to-receive
Diversity. There is virtue in diversity when we recognize the dignity of every human person, and our unity as members of the one body of Christ. But diversity has increasingly been used to demonize and divide.
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-2-diversity
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2019/4/30/diversity
There’s a hole in your bucket, dear Liza. This line from a children’s song published in Germany circa 1700 is a great analogy for our spiritual life. While are faith is often strong, we hold it in a fragile vessel that leaks. And if we don’t routinely seek to replenish our faith, our bucket can run dry.
Click here and subscribe for SoundCloud audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/user-185285779/pray-for-2-hole-in-the-bucket
Click here and subscribe for YouTube video - https://youtu.be/YK3ds32f78Q
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2019/4/30/hole-in-the-bucket
I remember my daughter, who was in first grade, running home with a picture she had colored. It was wonderfully messy, yet I appreciated it for the joy she had put into and the love with which she shared it.
I think God views our acts of faith like that first grader art project
Click here for audio reflection - https://soundcloud.com/prayfortwo/pray-for-2-first-grade-art-project
Click here for full text - http://www.godislove.blog/prayfor2/2019/4/30/first-grade-art-project