I recently drove an older woman home, and asked what has kept her from growing in her faith. She’s incredibly intelligent, and has a sharp wit, with an even sharper east coast accent. She responded, “angah!”

She admitted accumulating and holding onto anger for years, which had become a wedge between her and God.

Harboring anger is like wishing ill upon another person and drinking the poison yourself. And while our anger is often justified, we are called to something higher than justice – we are called to be merciful.

Listen to Tuesday’s first reading from Deuteronomy, Chapter 3.

“Do not let us be put to shame, but deal with us in your kindness and great mercy.”

The writer is asking God not to give them what they deserve, but rather to forgive them in spite of what they deserve.

Do you have trouble letting go when someone wrongs you? What is the first step you need to root out anger from your heart? Who do you need to forgive today? Pray with me for the grace to take that first step.

Father of grace and mercy – you are truly right and just, and yet you set the bar even higher by asking us to be merciful. Help rid our hearts of the poison of anger and unforgiveness. Help us to see others as you see us – as flawed yet beloved sons and daughters of you our loving Father. Please forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Grant us your heart of love and mercy. Amen

 #anger #forgiveness #lent
