The abuse crisis ripping through the Church should shake each of us to our very core. That some would not only use their position of trust within the Church to victimize others, but also cover up the abuse, should be unconscionable.

Positions of power and prestige will always draw some that look to exploit them. It is a stark reminder that we are all fatally flawed and in need of ongoing renewal in our savior, Jesus Christ.

But it is in the perfect, purifying love of Jesus that we find our faith. And in faith, our prayer should be that every single injustice is brought to light, so the victims can begin the process of healing, and that those that perpetuated it are brought to justice. We need to root out rot within the Church.

Listen to Jesus address his disciples in the Gospel of Luke:

There is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have said in the darkness will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be proclaimed on the housetops.

Let’s Pray – Father of Grace and Mercy. Our hearts are broken for all who have suffered. Shower the light of your love into their hearts, that they might know of our heartfelt sorrow as they begin to heal. And cleanse the Church of all that keeps it from being the beacon of hope and love you instituted it to be. Amen

#godislove #abusecrisis #light #darkness #sin #catholic #prayfor2
