Following the daily readings of the Church a part of your daily prayer effectively makes you a member of the world’s largest book club. No matter where you go in the world, in solidarity you would hear the same readings on any given day.

Like a good detective novel, the daily readings of the Church show the ties between the Old and New Testament. The Old Testament is peppered with clues of a coming Messiah who will save the world, which we see fulfilled in the New Testament by the coming of Jesus Christ, the son of God.

The daily readings of the Church also allow you to read nearly the entire bible over three years, and do so in context. It is truly one of the most underappreciated gifts of the Church.

Scripture? All of scripture is divinely inspired and fruitful for teaching? Word of God sharp like two edged sword, separating Bone from marrow?

Let’s pray – Father of grace and mercy. You sent your Holy Spirit to inspire the authors of the scriptures, and the Church to discern the bible. Help us to appreciate the genius of the daily readings – the world’s largest book club - in coming to know, love and serve you more effectively. Amen.
