Have you ever thought of Mary Poppins as a Catholic Theologian?

Saint John revealed that, “God is love” and Jesus Christ called himself, “the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” so our call to share the truth in love is full of divine implications.

Jesus routinely conveyed the loving mercy of His Father. He was also fearless in sharing hard truths. A deeper dive reveals an intriguing underlying pattern.

In many of his encounters, including the woman caught in adultery, Jesus initiated non-judgmentally. He pointedly challenged her accusers that the one without sin could cast the first stone against her, and they all left. It was only after engaging her as a beloved child of God, saying He did not condemn her, that He finished with truth – “go and sin no more.”

Jesus shares the truth in charity, but leads with love.

Where does Mary Poppins factor into this? She famously sang, “a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.” The sugar is the sweetness of love. That helps us to swallow the medicine of what can be bitter truth. Don’t you find it easier to accept hard truth when you first trust the person sharing has your best interest at heart?

Let’s pray – Father of Grace and Mercy. You sent your son into the world to reveal your divine truth, and shine the light of your merciful love into our hearts. Help us heed you call us to share the truth in charity, while also modeling the example of Jesus as we lead with love. Amen.
