One of the many reasons I became Catholic out of all the Christian churches was that it aligned with how the earliest church believed and prayed.

The mass was documented in 155 AD by Saint Justin Martyr in, “The First Apology.”

“On Sunday we have a common assembly of all our members, whether they live in the city or the outlying districts. The recollections of the apostles or the writings of the prophets are read.... When the reader has finished, the president of the assembly speaks to us; he urges everyone to imitate the examples of virtue we have heard in the readings. Then we all stand up together and pray.

On the conclusion of our prayer, bread and wine and water are brought forward. The president offers prayers and gives thanks to the best of his ability, and the people give assent by saying, “Amen”. The eucharist is distributed, everyone present communicates, and the deacons take it to those who are absent.

The wealthy, if they wish, may make a contribution, and they themselves decide the amount. The collection is placed in the custody of the president, who uses it to help the orphans and widows and all who for any reason are in distress, whether because they are sick, in prison, or away from home. In a word, he takes care of all who are in need.”

Let’s Pray.

Father of Grace and Mercy.

You gave us the Church to guide us in truth, and the mass as a communal celebration of our faith. May the mass enliven us in hope as we are sent forth to share your truth in love.


This is Mike Kelly with Prayfor2. Listen anytime at, or the Redeemer Radio app.
